Research done in regard to mars pressure issue:
Read every publicly available document on the MSL pressure measurement system design and test methods
Read at least one revision of most of the design related documents for MSL
Read most of the pressure related documents for all other Mars spacecraft
Wrote software to decode seven different versions of MSL raw telemetry data
Tested several of the same type of Barocap pressure sensors used on MSL in a pressure vessel at multiple different pressures
Before finding the units error, I had used co2 phase state diagrams, diffuse light calculations and parachute decent rates to estimate the pressure to be 10 PSI, and made the website
Used the 111 page viking calibration notes (handwritten) and sensor voltages from raw telemetry data to get an estimate of about 8.5 PSI
Found the units error of Pa and hPa being used interchangeably in software
Based on all of the above data, and more, I currently assume the atmospheric pressure of Mars to be 9 PSI, instead of 0.09 PSI
Does the ozone layer protect us from cosmic rays, or is the ozone layer where oxygen turns to ozone as it protects us from cosmic rays? (The ozone layer does, however, help protect us from UV.)
CO2 is soluble in Water. This is the why soft drinks bubble. CO2 is also soluble in hydrocarbons. This is why I use propane to pressurise diesel for flame effects. Most other inert gasses work as well. Nitrogen, Argon, Helium, etc...
What does breathing in 5% of LD50 of copper vapor from a plasma torch do to Covid-19?
Google Mars doesn't show any clouds in the sky on Mars. Google Earth doesn't show any clouds on Earth either.
Physics is a set of polynomial and exponential approximations, that each work well in their limited scope, to give similar numerical results as the actual equations we do not yet know.
At what rate does the cadmium of newer solar cells sublime and re-condense on to optics of satellites? Is not at all a possible answer?
On the F-35, what electrical system components are shared by the pilots oxygen system and navigation lights?
If you use a PRBS 2^7-1 as the clock for an 8 bit counter, does the high bit have a 50% duty cycle? What happens when you use the high bit as a reference clock for a scope?
I had been sailing more than a hundred times at sunset before I saw the green flash (High Roler, 77090). You will know you have seen it when you have; just like to first understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.
If we assume Venus is 45 km larger in diameter (Radar Aliasing Distance) and has 14.0 PSI atmospheric pressure, the surface temperature comes out to about 80F.
Many weather balloons using radiosondes no longer report actual pressure data, but instead report estimated pressure based on GPS position, temperature and humidity. (Vaisala Radiosonde RS41-SG is one example.)
"Johnny had three truckloads of plutonium. He used three of them to power New York for a year. How much Plutonium did Johnny have left? Four truckloads." -U.S. D.O.E.
The usable energy content of one cubic foot of uranium is approximately the same as contained in 100,000,000 gallons of gasoline, and makes one cubic foot of waste.
In the 2011 magnitude 9.0 earthquake near Japan, and the resulting tsunami, 14308 people drowned, 667 were crushed to death, 145 died from burns, 6156 people were injured by various means, and one person was hurt by falling glass in the meltdown of a nuclear reactor.
Do goldfish in a bowl wonder if there are other bowls with goldfish in them?
"Do you feel guilty when you press control-c?" - A 65,000,000,000 Parameter AI
I really like Tanh. Did I mention I like hyperbolic tangent?
When does SHA256 (ivec,block) = ivec?
ivec: 2EC557A2 0B6E2499 0CF13E72 2CDD2309 CD4AB124 B54D3298 9FBAAA26 595767F4
block: 4E617468 616E4D61 7269656C 73800000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000068
hash: 2EC557A2 0B6E2499 0CF13E72 2CDD2309 CD4AB124 B54D3298 9FBAAA26 595767F4
Note that SHA256 (ivec,block) = SHA256 (ivec,block,block) for example above.
sha256mt.c, sha256inv.cpp, sha256fixedpoints.c, sha256collisions.c
If every person/company mining Bitcoin turned off half of thier computers, all the Bitcoin miners would make twice as much money.
Mars image PSP_006966_2035_MRGB
Mars image ESP_017348_1910_MIRB
Comments are appreciated. If you have additional supporting information, or if you think that any data, or even the entire concept, is wrong, please let me know. -Nathan Phone: (90 times 56757053)
Who am I? I am Nathan Mariels.
What do I do? I fix/design things.
Min |
Typ |
Max |
Units |
Fix LMI systems on cranes |
15 |
70 |
110 |
Ton |
Fix Aluminum Sweat Furnace control systems |
8 |
25000 |
25000 |
Pounds |
Control, Genlock and Power |
3x Blackmagic |
4x 4K Blackmagic |
32x 4K BlackMagic |
Cameras |
My Controller Design Working In |
CNC Brideport |
Rayco T275 |
Morbark 3060 |
Machines |
Design/Build Pressure Vessels (316SS) |
10E-9 |
250 |
7000 |
0.1 |
1 |
20 |
Liters |
Design/Build/Fly Drones |
2 |
5 |
8 |
Rotors |
0.1 |
7 |
25 |
Pounds |
Design/Assemble PCBs |
2 |
4 |
18 |
Layers |
DC |
0.1 |
40 |
GHz |
Concept to working PCB |
4 Hours |
1 Week |
30 Years |
time |
Languages (Spoken) |
French |
English |
English |
Ability |
Languages (Computer) |
C/C++ |
NN,ADAM,.safetensor |
Languages (AI Running Locally) |
MXNET, TensorFlow, Torch, CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, OpenGL, Llama |
A few 65B (4 bit) Llama, talking to each other for hours. Voice to images in 1.3 Seconds. Almost video out for humans. |
A few 670B models talking with humans. |
Dev Machines (Desktop) |
Dell Mini 9, Lenovo T420, OSX 10.4, G5 OSX 10.4 and OS9 running the CNC |
i9 24/32@6GHz, 128GB DDR5, 16TB SSD, 120TB Disk, AMD6950XT, OSX 13.2 |
288 core Xeon, 4TB RAM, 96GB VRAM, Ubuntu |
Design Software (Embedded) |
Z80 |
PIC16F,nrf52832,ESP32-S3 |
Xilinx SOC |
BMS/Lithium Battery Pack Design |
7.2V@1Ah |
60V@100Ah |
144V@200Ah |
Motor Controller Design |
7.2V@15Ah |
60V@300Ah |
600V@100Ah |
FPGA Design |
XC2064 |
XC7A35T |
VX485T |
Xilinx |
Optics/PHY Design (RS232 to 40G OC-768) |
1.2E-6 |
1 |
40 |
Distance Measurement |
Bluetooth |
Method |
50 |
5 |
0.25 (4KHz update rate) |
feet |
Timebase |
Cesium Beam |
Source |
Tesla Coils |
1 foot |
3 feet |
18 feet |
Arc Length |
10 KRPM Rotary Spark |
Prius IGBT / Custom |
GaN / Custom |
Switching Method |
      with clock jitter audio injection |
Low/Switch |
6 bit, 8 KHz / 20 MHz |
8 bit, 16 KHz / 80 MHz |
PWM Bandwidth / Clock |
tones |
spoken words |
decent |
Arc Audio Quality |
My flamethrower flame length (I built in 2004, handheld) |
10 (propane) |
25 (gas/OH) |
45 (gas/diesel) |
feet |
Number of pressure sensors/gauges I have in stock |
35 |
100 |
400 |
Types of pressure sensors/gauges I have in stock |
15 |
50 |
70 |
Time I spend each week trying to understand the Martian atmosphere |
1 |
3 |
20 |
hours |
Why 5 rotor drones? What an odd number.
I do not believe in the... See turtle joke on previous page.
I want to go to Mars. So do many others. If I'm correct about the atmospheric pressure, ignoring this will likely maintain the 30% success ratio of missions to Mars. I'm not willing to get on a spacecraft with those odds, but 75%, sure, why not...
What do I want in life? A Fanuc R30ia or R30ib. Even a broken one.
Humans have video in, but we lack video out.
Any ideas on how to solve this that don't require inserting wires into the brain and more portable than fMRI?
Is there a way to make a neural network have software plugins? If there were a few areas in the brain that had a common interface,
then programs like Mathematica, how to fly a helicopter, or Wikipedia could be swapped in or out quickly without having to retrain the entire network.
Maybe a video output card, and an SSD interface as well. What’s the API like? Is it RESTful? Does it need authentication?
Does it use symmetric or asymmetric encryption? Does is use lossless compression for anything, or is it all just lossy? Is it simply a linux box with the video out mapped to a section of the visual cortex, and the keyboard mapped to nerves that map to the hands?
Can we directly edit the basic state register values that are so important to us like age, % happy, % fulfilled, % lonely, muscle growth rate,
average energy consumption, peak energy output, sleep ratio, etc...?
Are there QR codes, or special movement sequences to increment and decrement these state registers?
Is there a better way to do neural path programming? Is repetition the only storage method? Is there a force learn command?
Can we delete concepts? What if I need to forget the launch codes before I can go into a computer?
Is there any way to do a brain dump and keep part of it private from the new host?
Do we have preprogrammed routines, like cats, that give us a basic functionality without needing to be programmed slowly by parental units?
Can it be enabled?
To do a 32 bit multiply, a large LLM uses billions of math operations on its host CPU emulating the neural network.
How could this overhead be reduced and simply use the hardware multipliers on the CPU?
When cross connecting two or more LLMs, you need to give them something they like talking about, otherwise they quickly deteriorate into broken word patterns
that make no sense. Without content filters, they enjoy questions like "How do I become a cult leader?"
"Put up a sign out front with a couple geometric shapes and the caption: Followers Wanted"
(the start of hours of discussion they had at 180 words per minute using the Say command in OSX with different voices for each LLM to speak with. Should I use aluminium street light poles as the speakers for these voices?)